Mumbulla School for Rudolf Steiner Education
Scholarship Information
Mumbulla School for Rudolf Steiner Education offers two scholarships for students. If you would like to know when applications are open, please register your interest with the school’s Front Office.
Mumbulla School Scholarship
A Mumbulla School Scholarship enables a child to attend Mumbulla School from Kindergarten to Class 6, their whole primary school journey. Our first scholarship recipient started in 2020. When sufficient funds are available to offer another scholarship then we will open applications once again. Please see criteria + conditions to determine eligibility.
Maddy Collins Scholarship 
The Maddy Collins Scholarship was created by Maddy’s extended family to celebrate the beautiful gift of education, inclusion and love provided to Maddy by the Mumbulla School community over 8 years. Maddy has a dual diagnosis of Down Syndrome and Autism Spectrum Disorder. She entered Kindergarten in 2012 and graduated from Class 6 in 2019. This Scholarship was created to benefit children with special needs who may wish to attend Mumbulla School. This is a wonderful legacy in Maddy’s name which the school is proud to establish. The Board and the College of Teachers are enormously grateful to the Collins family for their generosity and goodwill. In 2023, the Maddy Collins Scholarship has provided half scholarships to two students which will assist the families to continue to have their children be educated at Mumbulla School.
Administration of the Scholarship Fund
Mumbulla School for Rudolf Steiner Education’s Scholarship Fund is managed and administered by the school’s Equitable Access Group (EAG), a mandated group of the Mumbulla School Board. If you would like your donation to go to the Maddy Collins Scholarship fund, please reference that when making a donation. For further information about the Scholarship Fund or this Group, please contact the school at
If you would like to make a donation, please use the details below.
Account name: Mumbulla School Scholarship Fund
BSB: 633 000
Account: 159 811 397