Enrolling Now!
Choosing a school is one of the most important decisions that parents make for their children. The Mumbulla School enrolment process is designed to support parents to make an informed and mindful decision.
At Mumbulla School, children have the opportunity to learn in a beautiful natural environment, taught and cared for by professional staff within the context of an enriching Steiner curriculum. We invite you to explore the opportunity to enrol your child at Mumbulla School.
Practical Steps to Enrolling at Mumbulla School
Step 1: School Tour
A tour is essential before your family enrols in the school. A school tour gives interested families the opportunity to have a look at the school grounds, to observe classes in progress and to have questions answered. School tours are available Wednesday to Friday at 9:30am by appointment only. Bookings are essential and can be made through the Front Office. Other times may be available with notice.
Step 2: Application
Following your initial contact, you will receive an enrolment pack. This pack outlines the $330 (incl GST) Application Fee for the first child and a $110 (incl GST) Application Fee for each subsequent child (this fee is non-refundable and non-transferrable). Upon completing the requirements in the enrolment pack, including payment of the Application fee, families will be offered an enrolment interview if enrolment is accepted.
Step 3: Enrolment Interviews
Interviews are an important part of the enrolment process. The focus of the interview is for both parties to determine whether it is in everyone’s best interest that your child/ren join the Mumbulla School community and when it is most appropriate to do so.
Step 4: Enrolment
Following the successful outcome of the enrolment interviews, the school will advise you of the offer of a place at Mumbulla School. This offer will need to be accepted within a suitable timeframe. Sibling Discounts apply for subsequent children in the same family enrolling at Mumbulla School. Once we have received your Application Fee, you have been offered an enrolment and you have accepted that offer of enrolment then your child’s place at Mumbulla School will be assured.
*Please refer to the school’s full Enrolment Policy and Procedures, Enrolment Application Form/Enrolment Contract and Fees for further enrolment details.