
The College of Teachers (‘College’)

The College of Teachers is mandated to make educational decisions within the school. It is the educational epicenter of the school and as such, all educational staff are welcome to be members of College. The College meeting is held on Wednesday afternoons. The meeting is broken into Education and Business.

Education includes teacher’s professional learning such as a class focus, Steiner philosophy, feedback on professional development teachers may have attended, curriculum reviews and presentations by colleagues or external professionals. The Educational component of the meeting also covers information, discussions and decisions relating to the philosophy and pedagogy of the school.  College is committed to ongoing learning and professional development of all teachers. Teachers also undertake ongoing study of child development in the light of anthroposophy and curriculum study from both a Steiner Education perspective and a NESA perspective. College members also work together to know all of the children in their care through regular child study and class focus sessions. The artistic and creative development of teachers is cultivated through painting, movement or singing sessions within the weekly College meetings.

The Business component of the meeting covers business relating to the smooth running of the school. It may include correspondence, planning and day to day information of relevance to all teaching staff.