
The Mumbulla School Board of Directors

The Board of Directors is currently made up of ten people. It consists of an equal number of parents and teachers. Any parent or teacher who is a current member of the school’s company is welcome to nominate themselves for a position on the Board of Directors.

Current Directors are:

  • Ingrid Mitchell (Chair)
  • Monique Watt (College Chair)
  • Lee Corbett
  • Alex Cunningham
  • Claire Garner
  • Nick Graham-Higgs
  • Chrisanthi McManus
  • Dan Scollay
  • Lee Slater
  • Vanessa Spinelli

Board are supported in their work by Reagan White (Education Manager/Approved Authority) and Hallie Fernandez (Business Manager/Board Secretary).

Governance issues and financial and policy decisions are made at meetings of the Board of Directors, held twice per term.  These decisions are arrived at by a process of recommendations from Mandated Groups, discussion and consensus agreement. All members of the school community are welcome to attend as observers. To become a member of the company you can obtain an application from the Front Office.

The school’s Annual General Meeting (AGM) is usually held in May of each year. If you are interested in becoming a Director please ask at the Front Office for the procedure. The first step is to become a Company Member. The school Constitution and all school policies are also available to parents from the Front Office.